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Residential and Commercial Roofing in Indianapolis

Harber Exteriors has established itself as one of the top providers of durable, quality roofing. We have delivered premium customer service throughout Central Indiana and the surrounding areas and helped protect both residential and commercial properties values.

We offer free property inspections to identify any roofing issues that may compromise the safety and comfort of your home. We also work closely with your insurance company to ensure that the project is completed seamlessly without any financial burden on your end. As a family owned company, we hold the value of service in high esteem and endeavor to foster lasting relationships with our clients through our excellent workmanship and exceptional customer service.

We can respond quickly to emergencies or perform scheduled repairs. Most importantly, we can travel wherever your property is located. From Hamilton, Boone, Hendricks, Morgan, Johnson, Madison, Clinton, Shelby, and Bartholomew counties and beyond.

Roof of Home

Our Focus on Exterior Updates Make Us the Right Choice

We are excited to work with you. We have provided exceptional services for 11 years, for all types and sizes of properties. Our expertise extends from roof repairs to complete installations, offering a range of options including asphalt shingles, composite tiles, and more.

At Harber Exterior, we understand the importance of residential roofing, as it serves as protection for your family and home against unpredictable weather conditions. Therefore, we take the responsibility of residential roofing seriously and consider all relevant aspects. Whether we are installing roofs in Indianapolis or West Lafayette, you can count on unparalleled customer service from our team. You can trust us for all your roofing needs.

The Benefits of Investing in a New Roof

Increased Property Value

Whether you own a home or a business, increasing property value is essential. A new roof will do the trick because buyers will not have to worry about buying a new roof immediately.

Insurance Compliance

We are insurance specialists, which means we understand the role roofing plays in your homeowners’ insurance. Many plans stop coverage after 20 years, so you want to stay on top of things.


Roofing technology has most likely improved dramatically since you last replaced your roof. You can make bold strides by putting a new asphalt shingle or metal roof on your property to help your home or business finances.

Curb Appeal

Whether you own a home or a business, putting a new roof on your property will improve curb appeal and impress neighbors and clients. Because we have an impressive inventory, you can make minor improvements to your home that will have a major impact on your curb appeal.

Get New Warranties

We offer warranties for our customers. For instance, the GAF roofing system shingle warranty and lifetime Owens Corning Warranty protect residential and commercial property owners.

Enjoy Free On-Site Inspections and Honest Work

If you need a new roof, don’t hesitate to call our professionals. Our free property inspections are an excellent tool for you and your family. Whether you own a business or a home, we will thoroughly inspect your roof before recommending the best solution. If you decide to move forward, you can expect honesty and professionalism every step of the way. That’s the Harber Exteriors difference.

Contact Us Today for a No-Pressure Estimate