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Quality Residential Home Improvement in Indianapolis

Harber Exteriors is a family owned company specializing in honest, professional, quality residential home improvement. Throughout the greater Indianapolis area, we have delivered on our promise of peerless service for over 11 years. We serve Indianapolis, IN with siding, gutter, and roofing repairs and replacement. We can travel to Hamilton, Boone, Hendricks, Morgan, Johnson, Hancock, Hamilton, Madison, Clinton, Shelby, and Bartholomew counties. Trust our experts and learn the benefits of working with a forthright and dedicated company.

men constructing a roof

We Offer Top-Notch Roofing Solutions

Your roof is the first line of defense against heavy rain, hail, thunderstorms, and tornadoes. Take care of it. We do our part by offering free property inspections and by working directly with your insurance company on your behalf. Whether you need repairs or urgent and time-sensitive repairs, you can count on a quick response from our team. You can also rely on us to provide you with high-quality products. For instance, we are a trusted partner of GAF Roofing Systems and Owens Corning and offer warranties on both manufacturers’ products. Trust us today for all your roofing needs.

men constructing a roof

Keeping Your Siding and Gutters in Shape for 11 Years

Wonder if you need new gutters or siding? Call us and we will perform an in-depth free property inspection. We specialize in quality, quick repairs and installation and work with your insurance company to ensure a smooth process. As for gutters, we only work with premium suppliers, ensuring you experience a high-functioning home for the long haul.

An Outstanding Reputation for Excellence in Home Improvement

We pride ourselves on giving our clients an experience they remember. Forging longstanding relations is also important to us, and we do so by always delivering on our promises. If you need roof repairs, you can trust our team to be honest. We won’t try to sell you a new roof, and we won’t try to replace a perfectly functioning gutter. Our ability to work with our clients during difficult and stressful times is a major driving force behind our reputation for excellence. No job is too big or small.

Contact Us Today for a No-Pressure Estimate